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Supporting Documnts

I did many things to prove and express the work and effort I have put into this project, I have thought and put into words what my goals were in the proposal, written a reflection essay to show what I've done in the past, am doing in the present and will do in the future, filled out and tracked my project log. this has been an excellent year!

This was my base plan and what has guided me through this project, I put all of my ideas into this document even if they were somewhat unobtainable. I planned every miniscule detail and even if I deviated from some it did help immensely to structure this project.

Ahh, the reflection essay, this was quite the fun document to write and reflect on all the amazing and memorable things I've done and accomplished this year. I cannot express how grateful I am to be able to share the work I would've already been doing without capstone.

This is the online version of my physical project log. I have gone back and made sure the times and hours were correct. If something was incorrect, I revised it.

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