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Reflection Summary

From  2019 to 2024, this project has had good and bad parts, highs and lows. Starting in 2019, I had hopes and dreams of reaching the moon. Following into 2020, I achieved my most significant accomplishment: getting a Lavender. In 2021, I continued to build relationships with breeders and people in the dog world. 2022 was an off year as I transferred schools and hadn't gotten to add on or continue my capstone project. I still worked with Lavender, working on basic commands and skills. 2023 was a more significant year as I got an incredible amount of work and project hours checked off and completed. Although challenging at times, my passion for training Lavender, Working on becoming a Vet Assistant for my college resume, and saving up money to breed lavender has paid off. We will soon earn JH, SH, MH, and many more titles. I call this year, as well as the project, a success!

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What is the most important thing you learned during this project?

I learned that results take time and repetition in dog training, and that giving up or getting angry doesn't get me anywhere. you want to built on top of the behaviors you want while trying to eliminate the unwanted behaviors.


What do you wish you had spent more time on or done differently?

I truly wish I started Hunt test training in winter or even as far back as November. we would've been able to be absolutely incredible for the spring hunt tests, and possibly even enter field trails. 

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What part of the project did you do your best work on?

This has a  quite different answer than most would assume, as I did barely any work. Lavender was my main focal point and she did all of the heavy lifting. however that being said id say that my best work is at the vet clinic and with the fosters.


What was the most enjoyable part of this project?

Being able to bond with Lavender and help other pups, Those were two of the biggest highlights however the best highlight was finally getting my CGC with Lavs. 

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What was the least enjoyable part of this project?

The least enjoyable and probably the worst part of my entire project was having to euthanize Dodge. I doubt have to elaborate.


What lessons did you learn? Describe your successes and frustrations.

I learn to always continue, not just for me but to help my Lavender and the other dogs that were In my care. it takes time and day by day I have seen so many improvements. all of the not giving up has truly paid off! I have successfully force fetch trained Lavender, yet Zinnia hasn't had any improvement on her reactivity.

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What part of your project are you most proud of, and why?

By far it was getting a vet clinic job and being able to keep going back, while taking care of my dogs and school (for the most part) all while working 4 days a week. 


How did your community influence your project?

I cannot thank the people in CAWS enough for everything they've helped me with. from getting dodge medical care to helping bring Zinny from Texas. Being a Foster for Community Animal Welfare Society truly boosted this endeavor to a platinum star project!

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